
ABA Therapy Shows Positive Results for Children With Autism

Autism treatment center

Autism spectrum disorders affect the individual’s ability to live and work as an independent adult, with consequences that affect families and communities. Therapies like applied behavioral analysis or ABA have been successful in achieving discernible outcomes for children from birth to 18 years of age. Evidence-based therapies can help children with autism to achieve typical levels of functioning, learn new skills and overcome problem behavior.

Autism impacts individuals and communities
Austin spectrum disorders disrupt the lives of individuals and also of their families and communities. They make it harder for children to achieve social and academic skills on par with their peers, and these children continue to be at a disadvantage throughout their lives.
As adults, it is difficult for them to achieve independent lives. More than one third or 35% of young adults with autism, in the age group 19 to 23 years, have been unable to find a job or receive higher education after graduating from high school. Their communities are deprived of the positive contributions they might make.

ABA therapy shows positive results
Applied Behavior Analysis has been used with success as a therapy for autism, to such an extent that has come to be identified as a therapy for autism. It does in fact have a wider application, but when used to develop language, social, academic, and daily living skills in children with autism, it has been seen to be be effective.
In fact, 45% of therapies for autism that succeed in developing long-lasting and observable results are based on Applied Behavior Analysis, as reported by the Surgeon General. Applied Behavior Analysis begins with best in class assessment, and progresses to treatment, and intervention services. These are offered in different settings, in clinics or at home.

Intensive intervention programs
Intensive intervention programs produce the best results at when begun at an early age, before the child reaches four years of age. As the name suggests, intensive interventions consist of intensive one-on-one teaching over a period of two years or more. Typically the program consists of 40 hours a week.
Sometimes fewer hours, as little as 20 per week, show positive results. But for most cases of documented success, showing gains in development and a reduction for specIal needs services, the children received 30 to 40 hours of ABA therapy each week over a two-year period at a minimum.

Parents of children suffering from autism spectrum disorder will find it encouraging to hear that the United States Surgeon General reports that ?Thirty years of research demonstrated the efficacy of applied behavioral methods in reducing inappropriate behavior and in increasing communication, learning and appropriate social behavior.” While most researchers agree that further studies are needed, applied behavioral analysis is seen as a successful therapy in helping children with autism to achieve their potential

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