The real estate market today is overflowing with real estate for sale. The market at the moment is favoring buyers, and there are many properties to choose from in most locations. Buyer’s home searches typically last for about ten weeks, and they look at an average of ten homes before making a decision and placing an offer. Statistics show that among people who finance their homes through a bank or another financial institution normally finance 90% of the cost of the home.
When making the decision to purchase a home, there are certain criteria that perspective buyers should meet. For their own information they need to speak to a mortgage company or bank representative to go over their finances and credit reports in order to determine if they are in a position right now to buy a home and how much they can comfortably afford. If it is decided that this is not the right time for them to purchase, the bank officer can devise a plan with them that will help to bring them into the right financial position in the appropriate space of time to buy a house. When the time is right, the perspective home buyer will receive a pre-approval letter from the bank and can begin their search.
Among available real estate for sale in most areas are single family homes, new construction, condos and, depending upon the amount the buyer is approved to spend, luxury condos and other types of luxury real estate. Nowadays, almost everyone looking for a new home purchase will use the internet for most of their search. The fact is that most people will typically buy a new residence within 14 miles of where they are living.
Home staging has become an industry of its own when it comes to selling a home, whether a single family home, a condo, a co-op, or any type of real estate for sale. Sometimes the staging is done by the real estate agent whose listing is on the market, or it can be done by an outside company whose business is strictly staging homes for sale. Home staging has really become a type of art, where the home for sale is furnished and decorated with rented items in order to give perspective buyers a way to gauge how each room will look filled with their own belongings. If the sellers are still living in the home and their own belongings are still present, a home stager will come in and reorganize the furniture and decor to create a welcoming and eye catching reception for buyers who visit.
It will usually cost around $675 to stage a home. Real estate agents have varied opinions about how helpful home staging is to selling a home. 49% of them believe that most buyers have a positive reaction to professional staging, while 47% feel that staging only brings a positive reaction to some. In other words, the decision of some buyers will be helped along by the staging of the home, and for others the staging will not make any difference at all.