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Six Tips to Fit Into Your New Neighborhood

A recent survey found that 78% of people who had bought a home recently found their real estate agent to be a useful source of information. Your realtor provides many real estate agent services, and of course when you think of real estate agent services, you probably first think about looking at houses or getting information about mortgages. In reality, your realtor can also be a source of important information to help you in the entire moving process, from sourcing a good local mover and understanding crime rates, to finding reliable workmen and utility services. Some real estate agent services can also assist you in getting settled in a new neighborhood. Here are six things to do if you want to quickly get settled in a new community.

  1. Start networking before you move. If you’ve already got one or two friends in the area, this makes it a lot easier to start making more. Talk to your network of existing friends and find out if any of them knows anyone in the area where you are looking at homes for sale. If they do, see if you can arrange a coffee, a meal, or some other get-together. Ask your new friend for advice and suggestions, which most people are happy to give and which makes them feel useful. This will smooth the way into a new relationship, as well as providing you with useful information.
  2. Take advantage of your dog. Your pupper needs the exercise anyway, so this is the perfect opportunity to get to know the neighbors. Dogs are a great way to make introductions, and particularly if you have a puppy. If you go to the local dog park, you’ll be sure to meet more members of the community. As you stand around and watch the dogs play, you have a natural opportunity to make friends and get information about the region.
  3. Ask your real estate agents. Real estate agent services often include providing information about different communities. Your realtors can be a treasure trove of info on where to find local shops, the back way to the post office, and which restaurants are the best.
  4. Look around at the local shops. Don’t default to the big box stores every time you need something. Explore and patronize smaller shops and locally-owned businesses. Not only will you get to know people, but you will also show that you’re interested in being committed to the community. That’s the kind of attitude that will win you friends.
  5. Join a local group or attend local events. Do you love hunting or fishing? Are you an avid hiker? Do you like theater? Do you enjoy band music? Whatever you like to do, chances are you can find a group doing it in whatever new community you arrive in. Check out the local papers and the free classifieds that typically show up in supermarkets and shops. These can point you in the right direction.
  6. Throw an open house party once you’re settled. Don’t try to do this the week after you move in, but a great way to meet all the neighbors is to throw a little party. You can be sure that they’re interested in seeing the inside of your house, anyway, so satisfy their curiosity and get to know potential new friends all in one, fun event. Sunday afternoons are a great time to schedule an open house, and don’t bankrupt yourself to feed everyone. Some beer, cider, and snacks will satisfy pretty much everybody. Be sure to ask about local community news while people are around, and resist making snap judgments after just one meeting.

It’s a big moment when you sell your house and move into a new home. There are a lot of moving pieces, and a lot of real estate agent services you’ll need to take advantage of. But in all the busyness of getting loans, looking at houses, packing, and unpacking, don’t forget to take time to get to know your new home. Everything will be easier if you’re fitting in.

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