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Where Do You Send Your Children to School?

This is it. The final semester.

As your youngest daughter starts the last semester of her senior year, you are more than aware of the fact that the education she has received thus far is not only an important part of her past, but also an essential aspect in the future that she will embark on.

You still remember the first day when your oldest left for school. At the time, you spent a good deal of time considering the differences between private school curriculum and the offerings at the local public schools. As the daughter of two retired educators, you have long understood the importance of making the best decisions about the schools that children attend.

Public and Private School Curriculum Choices Often Vary
We live in a world when education really matters. Technology changes on a daily basis; informational platforms are a challenge; and future developments will require continual learning. Both public and private schools can offer many advantages, but there are many times when it is important to consider which of the advantages will play the most important part in the future of your child.

Although there are many districts that are offering technology integration in schools, the reality is that almost all educational success can be traced back to three specific things: teacher preparedness, class size, and engaging curriculum.

Teacher Preparedness. Nearly 25% of all U.S. schools are private schools, so that means that as many as three of four schools are public settings. No matter if a school is private or public, it is important to make sure that you select a system that is staffed with well prepared teachers. When districts offer incentives for teachers who complete advanced degrees, these staff members offer better prepared and researched lessons. In addition to these incentives, however, it is important to know that the district that your children attend allows teachers time to prepare and collaborate.
Class Size. Over crowded classrooms can leave children struggling. With manageable class sizes, however, a teacher is able to connect with each individual learner and cater to the need of each student. Nearly 51% three, four, and five year olds who were enrolled in preschool programs in 2015 attended full-day programs. This means that we need to have schools that provide the best class sizes to make sure that even the youngest learners find the connections and the motivation that they need.

Engaging Curriculum. No child who is bored will learn as much they need. When both public and private school curriculums are engaging and well designed, however, you can know that the learners are benefitting. We live in a world that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. And while it is important to make sure that the right courses are offered, it is important that the curriculum is presented in a way that is engaging. Encouraging learners to make their own discoveries can help students make the information matter!

Both the top rated private schools and public schools understand that the answer to preparing students for today’s technology and tomorrow’s challenges require careful attention to teacher preparedness, class size, and engaging curriculum. Whether you are starting your first child in kindergarten or you are approaching the end of your youngest daughter’s senior year in high school, the school that you select will play an important role in the future.

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