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Here’s What You Should Sleep On

Adjustable air beds

Earl Nightingale once said, “We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.” But for those of us who aren’t luck enough to to be fully engaged in our 9-5 schedule, the best we can do is get a nice mattress. So, what do you need to know when shopping for a new bed?

Assess your body and it’s needs.
The National Sleep Foundation says that over 50% of American report having chronic pain. In addition, 15% of people attribute that pain to sleep in an uncomfortable position. Bed comfort isn’t just about luxury, it’s about health. People who suffer from back pain, the most common pain that comes as a result of poor sleep situations, are likely to be less healthy than those who do not. It’s important to listen to your bodies needs and advocate for them when purchasing a mattress.

Go out on a limb.
There is so much technology out there in terms of mattresses and sleeping. You could get an electric bed, adjustable memory foam bed, or even a hammock. By working closely with your doctor or chiropractor, you can identify the technology that would benefit you most. Adjustable memory foam beds and other high tech options may cost more, but your health could be worth it.

Compromise with your cohabitants.
So, what do you do when your spouse needs one kind of bed and you need another? Compromise. Adjustable mattress often help couples meet in the middle. There is a big range of styles of adjustable beds, and surely there is one for your unique sleep situation.

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