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What are the Health Benefits of an Adjustable Mattress?

While the National Sleep Foundation recommends people get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night, few people are able to actually do that. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has said that between 50 and 70 million people have problems sleeping in the United States. Nearly 46% of parents do not get…

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National Sleep Foundation Releases New Infrormation

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recently added new recommendations for sleeping restfully through the night. “Comprised of six members appointed by the NSF and 12 selected by groups including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Neurological Association, the 18-member expert panel announced new recommendations,” a Feb. 2 CBS News report reveals. Here are…

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4 Reasons You Deserve an Adjustable Bed

You have always been a hard worker. From the time you were in school and constantly the overachiever, you have juggled multiple responsibilities, been physically active, and prided yourself on being the friend and family member that your loved ones can always count on. All of those decades of hard work, however, have started to…

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Three Signs You Need to Get a New Bed

Not being able to sleep well can cause problems in the rest of your life. Not only are you tired during the day, but you might also experience fatigue, inability to focus, difficulty remembering things, and so on. If you’re looking for natural ways to sleep better you might want to consider replacing your bed,…