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Top 3 Benefits of Building a Custom Home

Luxury custom home builders

It seems as though the world we live in is obsessed with having everything they own be designer or custom made. So no one was surprised by the increasing demand for custom house designs and designer home plans. Custom home builders have been inundated with requests over the past few years for homes built just for them. There are numerous reasons to consider jumping on the bandwagon, but read on for a list of just a few.


Let’s just start out with the most obvious reason: you can customize the home to your exact specifications you want or need! Some of the most popular things consumers ask for are a spa room, a wine cellar with a tasting room, an outdoor kitchen with amenities like a wood-fire pizza oven, and eco-friendly additions such as solar panels and geothermal HVAC systems. Anything you want or need, you can likely make it happen by consulting with a custom home builder.


Though it may seem like custom home plans are only for the rich, this is not the case. When you think about it, if you bought an existing home, you would have to pay for renovations, maintenance, and you wouldn’t have any green options to help energy and water efficiency. For example, just switching to geothermal systems will allow you to use 25-50% less energy and cut down on emissions in a way that just won’t happen with conventional systems. The money you’ll save on these things combined will make up the difference for custom house designs. Contractors will charge you about 15-25% of the total price to build your house.

Resale Value

Since many custom homes built are built under the eye of a homeowner’s association, the resale value won’t drop by much. The homeowner’s association, in addition to the customization and newness of your home will allow the home to keep its value. Read more here.

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