When it comes to picking the ideal neighborhood to raise our children in, the school district our potential home is in plays an important part in our decision making process. Finding houses or apartments or townhomes near your school disrict will be imperative to getting your child into the school of your choice. If your child is going to be starting school for the first time, or transferring, you have several options of schools.
The Local School The local neighborhood school is the easiest option. Every public school district has its own set of rules and regulations for each of the schools in its district so the first step would be to check the local district to find out which school would be best for your child.
Charter School Charter schools have grown in popularity over the past few years. In a nutshell, charter schools are just like public schools but they have been allowed by the state to forego some of the more traditional methods. However, if the school does not meet certain requirements set in place by local school boards, it is subject to being shut down. Charter schools are not determined by districts so your child is free to attend any charter school whether in your area or not.
Magnet School A magnet school usually has a certain focus whether it be art or technology, etc. They tend to follow a different kind of structure than the traditional school. For example, they may mix different grades into one classroom or perhaps, operate on a year round schedule. Magnet schools are district bound and draw students from that particular school district where they are. If you want your child to go to a school like this, you will need to find townhomes near your school disrict, otherwise you can pick from one of the schools that do not only choose students depending on the district.
Home school This is exactly what it sounds like. Teaching your children from the safety and comfort of your own home. There are many home school curriculum that follow the national guidelines just as public school does. In fact, there are many statistics that state that home schooled children are in fact, usually ahead of their public school peers. The disadvantage to home schooling is the lack of social interaction with other children their age as well as the extra curricular activities that schools offer such as sports.
Alternative School These are schools that have a different educational philosophy. Generally speaking, alternative schools operate in much smaller class sizes. They usually have a social and emotional development emphasis in their curriculum as well as an alternative self paced curriculum.
Depending on which school you pick, your most desirable location would ideally be in that district, if it is the type of school that only draws from its own district. You could find luxury townhomes near your school disrict or your perfect family home right next door to eliminate your child having to take the bus. It depends on the needs of your family.