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Do You Long for the Days When Your Mother’s Memories Were Still Intact?

The concrete floor does not trigger a good memory. It’s a memory of horse race tickets falling to the floor. A memory of running around with your sisiter and collecting old race tickets. You would grab the clean ones from the floor and shuffle them into huge stacks, sometimes stopping to pinch them together and…

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Get the Right Place to Live in During Your Student Years With the Right off Campus Housing

The college years are some of the most interesting and exciting times in anyone’s life. This is the time when people get the most critical bits of education that would serve them well for the rest of their lives, meet with people and create new bonds and relationships, and really come into their own as…

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Giving Your Home’s Exterior a Makeover

Change is never easy. As humans, we find it hard to adjust to new developments in our lives. It’s hard enough to deal with the things we cannot control, such as changes in the weather and season, so it’s often even more difficult to make changes ourselves. But more often than not, these hard decisions…