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What Are the Benefits of a Private School Education?

Top ranked private high schools

When looking for a school for their kids, academic standards and safety are the most important things that parents consider. Choosing a school is an important decision, since it will shape a child’s life. Many parents weigh the relative advantages and drawbacks of public and private schools to find the best schools in Miami for their kids. Here’s brief rundown on the benefits of private school education.

Smaller class sizes mean more personal attention
Public and private schools differ in enrollments and class sizes. Private schools are typically smaller in size and offer a better teacher to student ratio. Private schools make up almost one fourth or 24% of all schools in the country, but their enrollments account for only 10% of all PK-12 students.
Smaller school and class size create a safer and more personal atmosphere, where teachers know all students by name and can give them personal attention.

Higher academic standards
Smaller class sizes also mean higher academic standards. Private and independent schools consistently perform better in national test that the average. Comparing SAT scores, the national average scores stand at 497 in reading, 514 in math, and 489 in writing. Private and independent school students have average scores of 541, 579, and 550 respectively. For parents looking for the best schools in Miami for their kids, academic standards are major consideration.

College bound
Graduation rates and college admissions are another way of measuring academic standards and here again private school students outperform their public school counterparts. In the fall of 2011, 98% of all 12th-graders enrolled in private schools on or around October 1, 2010 graduated high school. And around 64% of the 305,842 high school graduates from private schools graduating in 2010?11 were enrolled in four year colleges by the fall of 2011.

Quality of teaching
Teachers in private schools are highly qualified. They’re also dedicated. Parents recognize and value both qualities. A survey by the Fraser Institute in 2007 found that 91% of parents choose a particular school for their kids based on the dedication of the teachers.

Overall satisfaction
Both parents and their kids report being highly satisfied with a private school education. Private schools, with smaller enrollments, can offer more extracurricular activities such as athletics programs and arts and music classes. This leads to a richer learning experience for children at all ages, from preschool to graduation.

Other factors such as location and cost must be taken into account as well, when looking for the best schools in Miami. Safety and academic standards are of primary concern for parents and kids, since these will shape the child’s future.

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