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How a Maintained Yard Increases Curb Appeal


Many homeowners feel stress as their home is first listed for sale. You are likely getting calls, giving tours, and cleaning profusely. Homeowners are usually taking care of various repairs and renovations. Interior renovations of a home often take time and can be costly. An easy way to increase the resale value of your home starts in the yard. Research shows that 90 percent of Americans who owned a yard felt keeping it well maintained is important. Here are tips for having the perfect yard to increase the resale value of your property.

  • Eliminate Dead and Dying Plants: Having a yard full of dead plants creates a dreary picture of your home. You don’t want buyers to feel like they are walking into a haunted house. Start with walking around your home in search of any dead plants. You’ll also want to be on the lookout for any plants that are dying. Unhealthy plants will mostly be twigs and wilted leaves. You may be able to save a few plants. However, it’s best to start fresh when dealing with a lawn full of dying plants. Installation of plant material will have your lawn looking much better in no time.
  • Start with Something Manageable: Choosing a lawn project that is too large to handle could stress you out. It’s best to improve your lawn at a reasonable pace. Start with one small area of your home that is most visible to buyers. You wouldn’t want to start placing flowers on the side of your home. Instead, place beautiful flowers at the front of your property. Including flowers that are near a walkway work well to add visual appeal when walking to the front door.
  • Choose the Right Colors: There is a seemingly endless amount of flowers available. The key to picking the right plants is how they accent your home. Interior designers often work with one color and choose contrasting shades. One idea is to choose accenting shades for flowers that match your home’s exterior. Bright flowers make a home stand out with their visual appeal. However, choosing too many wild colors could become too distracting for potential home buyers.
  • Ensure Yard is Free From Rough Patches: A patchy lawn makes a home feel improperly maintained to a buyer. A home that doesn’t look kept up well could steer away people from your listing. It’s best to hire a professional landscaping company for such a large area of the property. These professionals will have the equipment to quickly and efficiently have your lawn looking green and healthy. Many homeowners have a company take care of installation of plant material. These professionals are well versed in having all aspects of a lawn taken care of for you.
  • Having a well maintained lawn isn’t just about selling your home faster. Many homeowners are unaware of the many benefits of having their yard spruced up. One benefit of a great looking lawn is that it helps cool your home. Research shows that placing plants in the proper areas can reduce both heating and cooling costs by 20 percent. A great looking yard is an ideal place to throw outdoor parties. Entertaining guests is much easier while they take in the beauty of your great looking yard.

    In closing, having a spruced up lawn certainly helps to increase the value of your home. Research shows that nearly 90 percent of real estate agents recommend homeowners invest money in landscaping before selling their home. Installation of plant material is all about balance. You will want to start small if you are a first time gardener. Choosing the right colors for your yard is important. Matching shades of plants with the exterior of your home is a great decorating idea. Installation of plant material is often better done by a professional company. You will know that a company is taking care of your yard which helps sell your home faster.

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