One of your most important responsibilities as a parent is to ensure that your child gets a good education. Many parents realize the benefits of a pre k4 program. According to Parental Education Options, a pre k4 program is a preschool program specially designed for four-year-olds. Some state education programs offer elementary schools with pre-K programs.
When you bring your child to the same building for a preK4 class, they will become used to going to that building. This means that when it’s time to attend elementary school in that same building, your child will feel less fearful. Since 4K is not appropriate for every child, parents must complete a 4K application. This application will include an evaluation of your child’s readiness for kindergarten or elementary school.
You may wonder about the differences between preschool and transitional kindergarten. According to Winnie, preschool is typically focused on developing the basics of academic skills, such as counting, alphabet recognition, and literacy. Those programs are intended for four-year-olds, while five-year-olds who aren’t yet ready for kindergarten can work on those same skills in transitional kindergarten. Check with the public elementary school in your area to see which of those programs are offered.
What are the advantages of attending private schools?
Ask five parents and you’ll get a dozen different answers. Ask five children and you’ll get a hundred. While public schools are the best choice for some due to location, private schools have remained high on the list for many due to their plethora of long-term benefits. From providing your child a more one-on-one education to making sure they attend college once they graduate, private school is a forward-thinking option in a fast-paced world. It doesn’t just begin with high school or junior high, either.
Private pre-k and the best private elementary schools can provide your child with a head start that lasts a lifetime.
Private Schools Are Very Widespread
Did you know 25% of all American schools are private? There’s a pervasive stereotype that the private school model is also rare and far removed from the rest of the world. Instead private schools offer an alternative to the public school model and offer your child a more personalized experience, beneficial to the entire family from the moment you step foot through the front gates for an application. The benefits of prep schools extend not just to your child’s social life, but to their ongoing education. The earlier you start, the better.
Private Pre-K Will Set Your Child Up For Success
You don’t have to wait until your child is a teenager to offer them the most well-rounded and attentive educational model. Among three-to-five year-olds enrolled in preschool programs in 2015, according to several studies, just over half attended full-day programs. Overall, it’s estimated three million students are enrolled in private elementary schools in the United States. Private pre-K ensures your child isn’t brushed to the side in an already bloated setting. They can receive specialized education and a strong foundation to bolster their later years.
Your Child Can Start Specializing Early
An interesting aspect of the best private schools some parents aren’t aware of is the ability to specialize. While all children should be offered a well-rounded education, some find their calling a little earlier in life. This can be a child deeply in love with the written word or a child eager to prove themselves on the football field. Whichever it is, the advantage of private schools will give them the resources and attention they need to truly shine. Art high school and the best prep schools are only a few of the options at your fingertips.
Good Grades And High Test Scores Are The Standard
Among the most well-known elements of the private school are good grades. Studies have shown the national average private school SAT score is around 1235. This is much higher than the national average, which has hovered at 1060 for years now. Not just that, but counselors at private school have been found to spend around 55% of their time on college-related counseling. Over 95% of non-parochial private high school grades will go on to four-year postsecondary institutions, an incredible feat considering the size and scope of education at large.
The Best Private Schools Are Safe And Supportive For All Children
When you want your child to succeed years down the road and in the day-to-day, you offer them an education that keeps on giving. Private pre-k is a wonderful starting point for your children, allowing them a high standard of learning during their most formative years. If your child is past elementary, the best prep schools can be embraced now to give them the highest possible chance at attending college. Even a child that decides college isn’t for them will have the skills and confidence to approach the job market with ease.
Schools are like shoes. Everyone should have a unique pair to help get them where they need to go.