So many challenges occur when facing the need to care for a newborn baby with down syndrome. The difficulties of life are more than those newborn months but will last throughout life. There are so many challenges when it comes to having a child with down syndrome or another disability in many factors, including the financial and medical needs that it requires.

Having a Baby With Down Syndrome

Luckily, a great deal of medical research has been done to help with reducing the number of babies born with Down syndrome. One of these is prenatal screening and its ability to have cut the number of people living with Down syndrome by about 30%. From this point, there is still more progress to be made with the scientific and medical research that is completed on a regular basis.

Despite all of this improvement, there are still a number of parents that face having a newborn baby with Down syndrome. Apparently, about one in every 700 babies is still born with Down syndrome, creating a great challenge for parents. With this being about 6,000 babies and families facing this challenge every year. This leaves much work to be done on all research that could help further reduce or even eliminate the challenges that come along with parenting a child with Down syndrome.

Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome

It is hard to imagine what it is like to look at your newborn baby with Down syndrome and facing the challenges that they will address all throughout life. It is hard to completely picture the down syndrome baby features when they are only in the early stages. As those babies grow into childhood those features will become harder to watch while they are also harder for parents to see. It is extremely difficult for you to watch your child grow with Down syndrome, especially knowing that their average length of life is only 60. This is something that is so hard to accept from birth, knowing that life will be hard and likely shorter as well.

Knowing that so many have faced the challenges of Down syndrome for centuries now, it is amazing to see the medical progress being made to help prevent this disorder. With things as simply as prenatal screening, the number of babies born with Down syndrome has reduced significantly, making life easier for parents and babies alike.

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