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Rules for Apartment Search and Living from an Expert Mover

Sustainable apartment living

Interior Designer Terry Hunziker has many rules for apartment living, the best among them is this simple guideline. “My main objective is determining how a space will feel, not how it will look.” When you’re choosing an apartment, there are so many things to consider: location, size, price, lighting. However, you may want to keep these things in mind when considering modern apartment living.

How does the landlord stack up?
The biggest perk of apartment living is the benefit of nothing having to do lawn care, snow removal, drain unclogging or refrigerator repair. However, if you have a bum landlord, you may miss out on this benefit. Even in the most beautiful apartments, if you have an unresponsive landlord, you can be quite displeased. With that said, there are some property up-keep items you should tend to. For example, your landlord probably won’t weatherize your space. By putting plastic over windows during the winter and using fans in the summer, you can cut way down on energy consumption.

How much space do you actually need?
Bigger isn’t always better. Sometimes bigger means harder to decorate, more expensive to heat and laborious to clean. If your family can work in a smaller space, there are some tips for small apartment living. For example, using furniture that is multipurpose always helps and using mirrors throughout your place will give the illusion that it is bigger without the upkeep. For more ideas for apartment living, check out websites like Pinterest.

Does the cost make sense?
One of the biggest advantages to renting is that it is cheaper than buying. So, understanding this fact, does the apartment you have chosen make sense? Some sustainable apartment living options tend to exceed what a mortgage might be. However, this is because landlords are working to pay off green upgrades like geothermal heat or solar panels. This is under stable. In fact, 55% of people are actually willing to pay more for a “green” pad.

Depending on your area, you might be with a multitude of options. Follow these rules for apartment living and you should be on your way to making a sound decision for your next place.

To see more, read this.

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