Three Pinterest-Ready Wedding Sparkler Photo Ideas

Tossing rice after a wedding is as old-fashioned as a horse-drawn carriage ride. But even the most modern bride still wants an exciting send off after the happiest day of her life. While some couples opt for wedding dress destroying silly string or confetti, more and more brides in the know are using wedding sparklers…

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Can Giving Charity Clothing Donations Really Boost Your Well-Being? You May Be Surprised by the Answer

Most people know that giving to charity has a number of benefits. Because discarded clothing amounts to tens of millions of pounds in landfills each year, charity clothing donations, for instance, help to reduce the amount of trash and pollution in the environment. People also donate clothing and other household goods because it’s a good…

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DIY Design 4 Ways To Decorate A Garden Shed For Landscaping

Want to get the most out of your new garden shed? Or maybe you’re looking for ways to incorporate it into your existing garden and landscape? Here’s a few simple pieces of advice for new shed owners: 1. Choose The Right Materials Some discount sheds are built with cheap wood laminate or even particle board,…