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Three Facts About Assisted Living That Every Senior Should Know


The Baby Boomer generation are no longer babies; in fact, they getting pretty darn old. This raises the question: what will these individuals do after retirement? According to current statistics, assisted living facilities were at 88% occupancy as of 2011, and approximately 7 out of 10 individuals in the United States over the age of 65 will require long-term care or living assistance.
So what’s the issue? Logically speaking, these individuals should find easy and comforting transitioning into assisted living care or senior housing…right?
Well, wrong, unfortunately. Due to the smattering of negative media coverage, assisted living facilities are recently being portrayed as negative and damning places to live. It’s essential that we start proliferating the truth about assisted living care, so seniors can live the lives the they deserve.

Three Vital Facts About Assisted Living

    1. Assisted Living Facilities Foster Independent Living
      Many seniors fear that once they enter an assisted living home, they will lose their independece. Yet it couldn’t be any less true. Senior citizen housing exists to allow seniors to live independent, yet functional lifestyles while still providing 24 hour, 7 days a week care if needed.

      Assisted Living Fosters a Positive Social Community
      One of the massive benefits of entering assisted living is the community and solidarity it offers seniors. Senior housing enables elderly individuals to find and connect with one another through various hobbies, activities and events that the assisted living facility offers.

    2. No Two Facilities Are Alike
      From facility to facility, senior housing options differ significantly. Some facilities cater to individuals that need more help, and others allow for a more independent lifestyle. For more independent assisted living, many facilities even offer apartments or homes instead of a typical hospital room. The possibilities are endless. Just be sure to visit your home and to make sure that it resonates with what you want after retirement!

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