Planning a street fair is one of the best way to bring a community together for food, activities, and fun. However, a big event like that doesn?t just happen overnight. Street festivals take a lot of specific planning, which can take months to put together. Here are a few tips that will help you organize the best street festivals your community has ever seen!
Get the Right Permits
All residential events must have the proper permits in order to carry out just about every aspect of the event. This includes permits for the sale of good, food, and drinks. If you are unsure about the proper permits, contact your local government agency or town hall. In addition, make sure to write up clear contracts for every party you do business with.
Searching for Vendors
As the curator of the event, you?ll want to work with your vendors to work out very specific terms and conditions, including who will take care of tent rental and setup/cleanup. This will make things run much more smoothly during the actual event. Look for local vendors who sell the things people will want to buy, including handmade goods or food. Try to keep the vendors as members of the community, to ensure that your festival accurately represents your local neighborhood.
Proper Security
While street festivals are typically fun and carefree, anything can happen during an event where there are a lot of people. Before opening your event up to the public, make sure you have properly secured all of your festival equipment, especially any event rental equipment. Proper security will make sure that your guests and vendors stay happy, and have the best time.
Even if you put hours of work into organizing and perfecting your community event, it will all mean nothing if no one comes to the event! This is why it?s important to promote your neighborhood festivals far before the event is planned to take place. Print out flyers, put an ad in the local newspaper, and share your event on all social media sites.