Whether you’re already retired or are a soon to be retiree, it’s never too late to find purpose in this new stage in your life. Having worked for several decades, it’s common to feel a sense of loss, even grief, after ending your career. The chaos and hustle and bustle of everyday life make it easy to forget about fulfilling your own personal needs. Once you’re no longer working, you’re forced to face and reflect on your life. Remember, retirement is an important milestone, and includes physical, mental, and emotional changes.
Several studies have shown that volunteering has several physical and psychological benefits, and has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve one’s well being and outlook on life. The act of giving is truly better than receiving! You may find that volunteering for a cause that resonates with you, such as showing support for military families and veterans, allows you to engage with other members in your community who also feel the same.
Now that the holiday season is upon us, charities need all hands on deck. The holiday season is the perfect time to volunteer at a charity in your area. Americans will be making several charitable donations, such as clothing donations and food items, in addition to their holiday shopping. Charities will need help sorting, distributing picking up these donations.
Many charities have volunteers that pick up clothing donations from residences and businesses. This makes it’s easier and more convenient for the community to come together for a common cause. However, you can volunteer is many ways. Whether you choose to pick up clothing donations or cook a meal for military family this holiday season, you’re making a big difference in the lives of others.