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Here’s How Donation Pickup Services are Revolutionizing the Way People Give Back to Their Community

It’s that time of the year when Christmas decorations start to surface and joy emanates from even the grumpiest of people. With the holiday season comes an indelible giving spirit that is shared by all, and with the help of organizations that pick up donations, there has never been a better time to start giving….

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Have Clothing You No Longer Wear? Consider Donating Them to Charity

Homelessness in the United States is an enduring problem, something the country has had to face for much of its existence. Today, the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that more than 600,000 people in the U.S. are homeless; nearly a quarter of them are children. For these men and women, enduring the cold…

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Scathful Harm The Fight Against Poverty and What You Can Do About It

“O scathful harm, condition of poverty!” Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest observers of human nature, was spot on when he wrote this in The Canterbury Tales, and anyone who’s ever had to face poverty directly knows how scathful it can be. Much has changed since Chaucer’s time in the 14th century but unfortunately, poverty…

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3 Easy Tips for Giving Disabled Veterans Donations and Helping Families in Need

If you’re like many people, you probably want to help others but have no clue where to start. Approximately 70% of Americans give to charity each year, but for the remainder there could be a number of reasons why they don’t. While some of that 30% may themselves be recipients of others’ charity, there may…

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How You Can Show Your Support For Military Families and Spouses

Showing support for active duty soldiers and soldiers is cause that many Americans are passionate about. However, while it’s important to show appreciation for the efforts and display patriotism, military spouses and families are often the unsung heroes of warfare. While they’re spouses or family members are deployed at war, military families hold down the…

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Charitable Clothing Donations A Few Things You Need to Know

As much as the United States may hate to admit it, homelessness is a significant problem, affecting thousands of people across the country on any given night. A recent report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development found that there are a little less than 600,000 homeless people in the U.S. Nearly a quarter…

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Donation Pickups What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, there are far too many homeless people in the United States today. Of course, one homeless person is one-too-many but the numbers are just staggering. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are more than 600,000 homeless men, women, and children in the country. Roughly a quarter…

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What Are the Best Charities to Donate to During the Holidays?

During the busy holiday season, many people find that they barely have time for their own celebrations. The season of gift giving and party planning can be a headache for those who have families of their own, but it’s also important to remember that this is the season for giving. Donating to charity is a…

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Want to Know When to Donate Clothes to Charity? Here’s Your Answer

Do you normally wait until April or May to do your spring cleaning? Or do you make sure to give your gently used clothing donations all in one go around the holidays? No matter when you prefer to do your annual clean-out, you may wonder when to donate clothes. The good news is that there…