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Tips on decorating your apartment

Just moved in to your new apartment? Are you wondering how you’re going to decorate the living room? A living room should be a welcoming environment. Not many believe they can decorate their apartment, because it’s not a house. This is not true. The living room should be eye popping, when a friend or family…

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Sort and Organize the Home

Often, a suburban American home or an apartment will be a very cluttered place, and this clutter will only build up over time. This does not have to mean hoarding (which is a clinical mental condition)! Rather, statistics have shown that many adult Americans today simply have too much stuff in their homes, and this…

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Donating Your Old Clothes

Today, textiles stands as one of the biggest and most popular industries today, and it is a vastly lucrative one, too, given how everyone in the world needs clothes to wear for work, for everyday life, or for formal events. A dazzling variety of shoes, coats, shirts, pants, dresses, scarves, and more all produced in…

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Finding Student Housing

Although nearly every major American college campus offers on-campus housing, there is only so much housing for students, and some students cannot afford this feature anyway. So, for students who need real estate for their college years, rental units for students are available on the more general rental market, such as local apartments of all…

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Playgrounds And The Importance Of Play In The United States

Getting up and moving is hugely important for people of all ages, but especially for children. Young children need to move, as physical and active play is actually instrumental in their brain development, particularly when it comes to the development of their fine and gross motor skills. These fine and gross motor skills must be…


What to Do After a Basement Flood

Mold in the home is more than just a nuisance and an eyesore; it can also pose a serious health hazard. Depending on your body’s sensitivity to mold spores, you may be suffering from watering, red, and irritated eyes, nasal congestion, or difficulties breathing all as a result of your home’s mold infestation. No one…

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Organization Is Key To Good Mental Health The Five Benefits Of Reducing Clutter In Your Home

Organization makes sense of life’s clutter and noise. You’re taught at a young age to put your toys away and make your bed. As an adult you carry about a planner to jot down obligations as they come or make sure to set alarms on your phone. We move throughout life organizing on a rolling…


Five Reasons To Donate Your Old Clothes To The Red Cross

For 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, the American Red Cross provides relief for communities by providing shelter, food, water and blankets among many essentials to individuals and families in need of a helping hand. The American National Red Cross is the 13th largest charity in the United States as ranked by private…