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Do Things The Right Way What You Should Know About Senior Housing

Almost everyone has the shared experience of having a loved one in a nursing home. Almost 7 out of 10 Americans will eventually need long term care after the age of 65. Whether that person be a grandparent, parent, or spouse, there is certainly some struggle in the decision of choosing assisted living. In some…

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Looking for Houses with Modern Home Designs? Expect These 3 Features

If you’re interesting in buying a new home rather than a resale, you may be wondering what to look for in a new home. After all, the experience of buying a new construction is very different from looking at pre-existing homes that have already been lived in. However, most people tend to think that working…

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Donating Lightly Used Clothing Makes Good Sense?

Donating lightly used clothing has never been easier. In addition to resale stores that pay for clothing they resale at affordable prices, clothing drop sites set up Saturday mornings throughout large urban areas, as well as permanent drop boxes conveniently located in grocery store parking lots, make finding a good home for lightly used clothing…

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Top 3 Benefits of Building a Custom Home

It seems as though the world we live in is obsessed with having everything they own be designer or custom made. So no one was surprised by the increasing demand for custom house designs and designer home plans. Custom home builders have been inundated with requests over the past few years for homes built just…

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How to Digitize Your Old Photos

Photographs of family members and friends are more than just pictures; they’re tangible, precious reminders of memories that can last a lifetime. In fact, research shows that approximately 24% of surveyed Americans rated family photos as one of their top documented pieces of information — ranking them even more highly than birth certificates or Social…

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Ask Your Realtor About the Important Stuff

Buying a home is a big step in someone’s life. It’s a sign you’re moving on to a new stage in your life, with a new you and a new home. But buying a new house doesn’t have to be all about the realtor and the business and the stress! When finding the real estate…

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Why Buy When You Can Rent? Three Apartment Rental Options

When looking for an apartment rental, the two biggest factors are location and price. Consider what you can comfortably afford and what you are looking for in apartment living. Do you want a shorter commute, granite countertops, or want to have a small space just for you? Approximately 35% of adults in the U.S. rent…

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Have Clothing You No Longer Wear? Consider Donating Them to Charity

Homelessness in the United States is an enduring problem, something the country has had to face for much of its existence. Today, the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that more than 600,000 people in the U.S. are homeless; nearly a quarter of them are children. For these men and women, enduring the cold…

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3 Don’ts For Sleeping Better At Night

Sleeping well at night is fundamental to how you feel and act the next day. If your productivity, mood and energy levels are suffering due to getting poor sleep, there are a lot of theories out there about what you should and should not do. As with many things, there is no surefire formula to…