3 Don’ts For Sleeping Better At Night
Sleeping well at night is fundamental to how you feel and act the next day. If your productivity, mood and energy levels are suffering due to getting poor sleep, there…
Are You Donating Clothing? Here’s How Charity Organizations Put It to Good Use
If there’s one type of donation that most people will give in their lifetimes, it’s most likely clothing. Used clothing donations are easy to give because they don’t require much…
45 Million Americans Are in Poverty Used Clothing Donations
The United States Census Bureau reports that the current poverty rate in the country is 14.5%. That is, 14.5% of all Americans live in households that earn less than the…
Australia Sleep Disorders Skyrocket, Leaving Doctors Concerned
Rates of sleeping disorders in Australia are at an all time high, and sleep deprivation is becoming an increasingly alarming issue in our developed world. In a society where being…
Scathful Harm The Fight Against Poverty and What You Can Do About It
“O scathful harm, condition of poverty!” Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest observers of human nature, was spot on when he wrote this in The Canterbury Tales, and anyone who’s…
Three Reasons You Should Definitely Rent a Loft Apartment
Now that the economy has finally begun making a comeback from the recession (and it’s about time, too), it’s no surprise that more people are deciding to splurge and purchase…
5 Ways to Use Wedding Sparklers
The newest trend for weddings in 2015 is all about the personalized experience: spouses to be are really looking for that “wow” factor that makes the event unique for them…
Want An Easy Fix for Falling Asleep Faster? Try Adjustable Beds!
The hospitality industry is catching on to a new item that might revolutionize the way you sleep. Some hotels are investing in a sleep system bed for their rooms, which…
FAQ What Are Cremation Keepsakes?
Each year, U.S. cemeteries and funeral homes bury about 30 million board feet of caskets, 105,000 tons of steel, 1.6 million tons of concrete, and almost 830,000 gallons of embalming…