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Get Rid of the Clutter With a New Storage Shed

Usually people look for storage sheds or garages only after they have a need for them, but how about switching it up and doing the opposite? Amish furniture and buildings are so aesthetically pleasing and durable that you may realize that you want one before you even know what to put in it. Luckily, here’s…

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Top Five Questions to Ask a Potential Property Management Firm

There are currently 206,328 property management businesses in the United States today, and one of those is bound to be the optimal property management company for you. The best property management companies can help you lower your monthly energy bills by about 50% by analyzing your building’s power needs and suggesting simple, low cost upgrades….

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Local Clothing Donations Three Solutions for Taking Part in Your Community

Did you know that in America we throw away an average of 68 pounds of clothing and textiles per year? These items then end up in our landfills, when they could have been recycled instead. Thankfully, this is the way most clothing ends up (about 4.7 billion tons per year), and it is donated for…

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The Best Tips For Thrifty Gardening

Landscaping and gardening can significantly improve the value of your home, but it can also save you a considerable amount of money while you are still living there. From planting your own fruits and vegetables to conserving water, there are plenty of ways that you can set a little extra money aside, thanks to smart…

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Are You Too Poor To Help US Soldiers?

Kids are putting American adults to shame by taking time out of their day to support our troops and veterans. Kids all over the U.S. are writing letters to deployed troops, or even sending them birthday and/or Christmas cards. “Thanks for protecting our country. [You] must be very brave joining the military,” one little girl’s…