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How to Give Donations of Clothing for 2015

With the end of the year comes the chance to shed the old to make room for the new. This is especially true for those who just received holiday gifts. If you notice your closets are getting full and your dresser is stuffed, it may be time to consider giving donations of clothing at the…

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Replacing Your Antique Church Pews

Antique churches are often revered for their beautiful architecture and craftsmanship. Antique church pews may even have intricate designs carved into the wood. However, after years of wear and tear, it may be necessary to replace the antique church pews with new ones. Within any parish, the local church is often the oldest building. In…

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Three Tips and Tricks for Making Your Shed or Garage More Beautiful

Sheds and garages are great to have, since they create an additional usable space — for storage or for recreation. The problem is that they can be an eyesore. Nothing mucks up a neatly manicured lawn and story book home than a 10′ by 15′ shack in the yard. It can really throw off the…

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Why You Should Keep Remote Control Manuals Handy

Approximately 96.7% of households in the U.S. have televisions, and there are about three TV remote controls per household. That number can vary depending on how many other devices need remote controls. For as many remotes you have, you probably have even more remote manuals stuffed in random junk drawers or jammed somewhere in your…

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Three Ways To Get The Most Out Of Landscaping

Updated 12/12/22 Landscaping for small backyard spaces might seem challenging at first. Certain plants may not be able to really fit inside the space at all. If professionals have several landscaping ideas for my yard, it might not be possible to try every single one of them all at once when the space is even…

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The Case for School Before Kindergarten

When it comes to your child’s early education, you want nothing but the best. That’s why you should explore the options for the best pre K schools available in your area. You’ll find that the quality of early education can have a significant impact on your child’s development. To find the best full-day private kindergarten…

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Three Things To Look For When Purchasing Luxury Real Estate

In 2013, real estate agents sold more than 5.3 existing home units — and that number is only growing. What’s more, luxury real estate continues to make up a larger portion of housing sales each and every year. If you are considering joining the ranks of U.S. men and women who own luxury property, here…

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Three Common Shed and Garage Materials

When you’re shopping for a new shed or garage, there are a number of different things you need to think about. You’ll need to consider the size, what you’re storing inside, what kind of foundation you’re going to need, and so on. One of the first things you need to think about is what material…

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Three of the Coolest Pieces of Nautical Decoration You Can Use as a Center Piece

When you’re designing a nautical themed room, one of the most important nautical decorations you need to get is a centerpiece. You need to invest in a piece of nautical decor that’s visually interesting, distinct, unique, and ties the room together. Here are a few good ideas of things you can get! Replica Diving Helmet….

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Find the Perfect Storage Unit

Recent reports calculate the amount of self-storage space in the United States to be nearly 2.3 billion square feet. That means that between every storage facility in the country, there is more than seven square feet for every person, child or adult. What would you do with your seven square feet? Almost every storage facility…